They should actually call this the ... Hand, Foot, Mouth, Butt, Knee, Face, Arm and Wrist virus! Our poor little boy has this awful sounding bug. I feel like it has been coming on for some time now. Last week it started with an upset stomach and some random bumps that popped up on his arm and face. We did not think much about it thinking that he ate something that upset his tummy and that we did not scrub his face hard enough in the bath the night before. And then he got a really bad diaper rash and it was much more "bumpy" and not just the typical bright red surface area color. And then last night he felt a little warm so I took him temp before putting him in the bath and he had a slight temp of 101.3. And then I saw the sure sign as I was taking him out of the bathtub .... the bottom of his feet were covered in little blisters. I knew exactly what it was as soon as I saw them. And then I started putting all of the little signs together. Including the fact that all he wanted to do on the way home was take off his shoes and I kept putting them back on his feet so that we could go into Publix. Man do I feel like a bad mom :( Tab was at a dinner meeting last night so I called to tell him what I had discovered.
And to top off the night the following happened ... Ryland and I went back downstairs after his bath to get something to drink. Codi followed us and ended up throwing up a bunch of water on the kitchen floor. I thought I heard him throw up but when I turned around and did not see anything on the floor I thought everything was ok (remember ... it was definitely clear)! All of a sudden Ryland walks right in the middle of it and freezes. He looks down at his feet wondering what in the world he was standing in. I then realized that Codi had definitely thrown up and Ryland was standing in the middle of it. It was at that moment that Ryland decided that it was funny and started dancing in his throw up. Which prompted me to run towards him to get him out of it. Which then caused Ryland to run away from me. And then it happened ... He slipped and fell in it and it was a disaster!
Luckily Tab got home before Ryland went to bed. Ryland's favorite part of our nighttime routine is definitely he bedtime stories with daddy!
Tab took Ryland to the doctor this morning and they confirmed what I already knew ... He has the Hand, Foot and Mouth virus. There is not much that they can give him for it. We just have to let it run it's course. But we also found out that he has yet another ear infection in his left ear! So we are back on another round of antibiotics.
We are leaving tonight for Highlands, NC. We are going to be there through the weekend so this is actually good timing since Ryland would not be able to go back to school this week since he is sick and it is contagious. Tab is in a BBQ competition this weekend in Dillard, GA. This is his first BBQ competition so I will have to post more about it and pictures of the big event after this weekend!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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